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Scary! These are the 8 Strongest Counter Sun Heroes in Mobile Legends

 Scary! These are the 8 Strongest Counter Sun Heroes in Mobile Legends- After upgrading some skills, San became stronger. Moreover, his skills "Infinite Variety" and "Instant Movement" made him fight very aggressively and even vulnerable to barbarism. However, even so, it doesn't mean that Sun's hero power can't be neutralized or killed by other Mobile Legends (ML) heroes.

Scary! These are the 8 Strongest Counter Sun Heroes in Mobile Legends

So, who are the heroes who can fight the power of the Sun Monkey? To overcome the power of Sun, you must use the right and experienced Sun Opposing Hero so that the resistance you provide is effective.

1. x. Borg

X.Borg is the right hero to fight X.Borg. With high damage and mobility, X.Borg can easily counter Sun's every move. In order to fend off Sun's attacks, X.Borg must be able to maximize the skill set and accumulated area of ​​effect damage.

This way, it would be difficult for San to jump up and attack X.Borg. While X.Borg will find it easier to deal with battles early in the game, X.Borg should be wary of Sun's attacks late in the game. This is because Sun's main item can be very effective against X.Borg in the later stages of this game.

2. Fanny

Like Ruby, Fanny was greatly helped by Sun's clones. Despite the redesign, Sun fought Fanny. Why? because Fanny is a melee hero who is very mobile, making it difficult for San to approach and attack Fanny.

Even if Sun used the shadow technique he relied on with his Steel Cable, Fanny could easily dispel the shadow. Not to mention Fanny can also fight with the ultimate skill "Cut Throat", which can give an attack aimed directly at Sun.

3. Ruby

San is the only fighter hero in Mobile Legends (ML) who relies on shadows to fight. Well, one of the heroes that can reduce Sun's aggressiveness is the Ruby hero. Ruby herself is a fighter hero who relies on excellent crowd control and damage per second (DPS).

Known as a melee fighter, Ruby can easily stop Sun's attacks. On paper, Sun is very difficult to approach, but Ruby's ability to fight in close combat allows her to bind Sun, stop his attacks, and kill him with ease.

4. Yoo Jun

Attack patterns based on the shadow of the Sun will sometimes make the opponent dizzy. But don't worry, because the opponent can still fight well, one of them is Yu Zhong. Yu Zhong is a type of fighter that relies on area attacks.

In addition, this offlaner hero is also equipped with Dragon Tail and Soul Grip skills, which make it easy to clear Sun's shadow. If Sun uses his ultimate and casts a lot of shadows, then Yu Zhong can use Skill 1 and his passive to completely absorb Sun's blood.

5. Alucard

How to meet the sun with Alucard? Some of you may be wondering what it's like to have Alucard as your Sun counter. In fact, these two fighter heroes have balanced abilities and strengths. However, Alucard will be better than Monkey Sun if players use 100% of Alucard's super lifesteal.

Armed with this tiered lifesteal, Alucard will be very difficult to kill even if he is defeated. Especially when he dies and runs out of blood, Alucard can recover his blood just by attacking with a basic attack. That's why the enemy is very afraid of this best hero.

6. Silvanas

Similar to Esmeralda, Sylvanas is also the strongest female hero in Mobile Legends (ML). Sylvanas is a Mobile Legends (ML) hero who is often relied on to fight Sun. No one but Sylvanas has the same damage and crowd control as Sun.

Sylvanas' Comet Lance and Spiral Strangle are also very effective at destroying the Sun's shadow. Not to mention that this fighter hero is equipped with the ultimate Imperial Judgment skill which Sun is very afraid of. Armed with this skill, Sylvanas can make Sun unable to move, run, and lose a lot of HP.

7. Khalid

If you want to kill Sun immediately, use Khalid's hero as an effective counter. This hero is known to have the Point of Pain skill. However, you have to be patient because with his Desert Tornado skill, he can still spam skills. But you have to make sure that the spam skills you use are under the true shadow of the Sun in order to inflict heavy damage on the Sun.

8. Lancelot

San Lancelot's final counter-hero. Thanks to his skills, Lancelot becomes a hero with excellent immune abilities, which makes it easy to dodge enemy attacks. Another advantage that makes Lancelot superior to Sun is its high mobility and burst damage.

In addition, the reload skill also makes Lancelot superior to Sun. However, one had to be careful when using it against the Sun. Because this swordsman doesn't have Crowd Control and HP.

If not careful, Sun can use his skill set and easily attack Lancelot until he bleeds out. Another point, this hero is also difficult to play, especially for beginners. Therefore, before deciding to use this hero, it is better to practice first.

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