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Complete guide with latest Supercow 1 hints and puzzles

Supercow1 A farm in Sun Valley is under the control of the monstrous Professor Duriarty, who makes fun of the animals and experiments with them. To get rid of the baddies and regain a measured farm life, local animals turn to Super Cow for help. With incredible jumping abilities and courage, this brave heroine challenges Duriarty to finish her off once and for all. This article tells the main points on the passage of the game. Overview of useful items, bonuses and achievements are given.

Complete guide with latest Supercow 1 hints and puzzles

How to pass the level

How to pass the level? The game consists of 10 stages and 47 levels. To pass the level, you must complete certain tasks, which are reported at the beginning. Most often you need to find a way out of the maze, sometimes you need to collect a certain number of keys, neutralize all enemies or clear a level of debris.

What can Super Cows do

What can Super Cows do? Super Cow can move on the ground, on the roof of buildings, and also jump into wells. In some cases, it is allowed to jump and move along tree branches, clouds, clouds and some other surfaces. At the same time, the Super Cow cannot stay in the clouds and clouds for a long time, otherwise it will fall through it.

Platforms, elevators and vines. Flying platforms and elevators are common in the game. Some of them keep moving, while others stay still until you jump on them. From time to time, vines come, catching on which the Super Cow can swing left and right and thus overcome various obstacles.

Resource collection. When moving, the Super Cow collects money in the form of small and large coins (the larger the coin, the more points the player receives), jewelry and, if necessary, neutralize enemies, trash cans and get additional points for this.

Graduation rate statistics. At the end of each level, statistics are provided, showing how many coins and gems have been collected, enemies have been neutralized, and secrets have been found. At the same time, it is reported how many points were scored and level completion is estimated as a percentage. If you do not achieve the desired result, each level can be replayed again.

Prizes in the game

Prizes in the game. After achieving certain results, players receive the following special rewards:

  1. Red cross - for a level completed without loss of life and health.
  2. Trophy - udder - for all gems collected at that level.
  3. Money bag - for all coins collected in the level.
  4. Golden horn - to clear the level of all monsters.
  5. Cow - Venus - for all collected gems, coins and completing all monster levels.
  6. The best detective token - to find 5 secrets in the level.
  7. Winged Hoof - for 3 combos in a row.
  8. Super jump - for 5 combos in a row.
  9. Champagne - for 100,000 points scored per game.
  10. Laurel wreath - for 500,000 points scored per game.
  11. Defeated Pig - to defeat the First Boss.
  12. Defeat the Goat - to defeat the 2nd Boss.
  13. Bronze Horseman - to defeat the main villain - Professor Duriarty.

The main character of this game has an extraordinary jumping ability. Thus, he overcomes various obstacles and obstacles, and also neutralizes enemies by jumping over their heads. Upon contact with an enemy and when it hits some obstacles, the Super Cow loses health (energy) or life.

As the game progresses, health can be replenished, as well as new lives. At the same time, falling from a height does not harm the Super Cow (with the exception of the case of landing on an obstacle). Even though Super Cow considers himself a superhero, he can't swim. Super Cows wade through shallow water, but if he encounters deeper water on his journey, he will cross it along the bottom.

Super Cow 1: Hero Guide

super cow. The main character of this game has an extraordinary jumping ability. Thus, he overcomes various obstacles and obstacles, and also neutralizes enemies by jumping over their heads. Upon contact with an enemy and when it hits some obstacles, the Super Cow loses health (energy) or life.

As the game progresses, health can be replenished, as well as new lives. At the same time, falling from a height does not harm the Super Cow (with the exception of the case of landing on an obstacle). Even though Super Cow considers himself a superhero, he can't swim. Super Cows wade through shallow water, but if he encounters deeper water on his journey, he will cross it along the bottom.

Enemy. It is a mutant that appeared as a result of Duriarty's genetic experiment and is capable of injuring the Super Cow. As a rule, to neutralize the enemy, it is enough to make one jump from him. However, some very large enemies need to be jumped 2 or even 3 times.

  • Snail with big eyes. Crawl on the ground and pose little danger to the Super Cow.
  • Angry dog. Like the Snail, it only moves on the ground, but at a higher speed.
  • Mole. Crawl out from underground and throw stones that are scattered over a considerable distance and can harm the Super Cow.
  • Black Crow. It flies through the air in circles, as a result it is quite difficult to neutralize it.
  • white crow. It flies over the ground from side to side and, in addition, throws eggs, which are an additional threat to the health of the Super Cow.
  • Wasp. Just like the Crow, it flew through the air and every time it tried to sting the Super Cow.
  • Spider. Hanging on the web. Some spiders hang motionless, others sway left and right, others move up and down in the web. If the Super Cow jumps on the Spider, then the web he hangs on disappears with him.
  • Porcupine. Moving on the ground, you can neutralize it simply by picking up the "Hyper Horseshoe" bonus.
  • Frog. It lives, as a rule, near bodies of water. Jumps and sprays Super Cow with spit that can injure him.
  • fly catching plant. A red flower that, due to a mutation, no longer catches flies, but every time it tries to bite the Super Cow.
  • Beetle with giant jaws. It crawls on the ground and, like other mutants, also tries to bite the Super Cow.
  • Bat. It lives mainly in caves and rock caves. It flies in circles, flaps its wings wide and makes a characteristic squeaking sound.

Assistant. Sleeping Dejavu Mushroom (Return Mushroom) - when activated, you can continue the game from this place if the Super Cow loses a life during a level. In the final stages of Mushroom Return, it changes color from brown to purple and, when activated, does not smile (as usual during the game), but grins evilly, but its essence does not change from this.

Super Cow 1: All About Obstacles

Type of obstacle. Super Cows can meet on their way:

  1. Fire. When hit, the Super Cow loses health.
  2. Wooden bet. This obstacle is always on the ground. When hit, the Super Cow loses 1 life.
  3. Sweep. When stepping on the rake, the Super Cow takes a hit on the head with a grip and loses health.

Ice surface. When hit on it, the Super Cow glides. By itself, this obstacle poses no danger to the Super Cow, however, on the ice, it cannot stop quickly and continues to slide for some time, as a result of which it can collide with other obstacles or enemies.

Giant Pillar or Blade. It is a barrier that strikes from the ceiling with great damage, when hit, the Super Cow loses health. These obstacles are very easy to find, both from the sound and the rocks on the ground.

Super Cow 1: Useful items and bonuses

Useful items and bonuses. These items will help you successfully pass the level:

Mattress with springs, trampoline and freestanding springs. Let the Super Cow jump higher.

Red heart. Restores health lost from interaction with enemies and gives extra life.

super kefir. Restore health.

First aid. Restore health.

Fruit tree. If you jump under it, then the fruits on it fall, and they replenish health.

Immunity. For 20 seconds, neither enemies nor obstacles can injure the Super Cow. If you stand in an invulnerable place for a long time, it will be recruited. So you can collect more than 1000 seconds.

Mega jumps. For 20 seconds, the Super Cow will be able to jump to a higher height. If you stand in the place of a big jump for a long time, it will be profitable. So you can collect more than 1000 seconds.

Hyper horseshoe. For 20 seconds, Super Cow will hit all enemies twice as hard. If you stand in the place of the horseshoe for a long time, it will be profitable. So you can collect more than 1000 seconds. At the same time, some enemies (hedgehogs) can only be neutralized when using this bonus.

combo. As the game progresses you have the ability to perform combos - consecutive jumps on the enemy 2 or more times. At the same time, you get additional points (2 combos - points are doubled, 3 combos - points are doubled, etc.), and when you complete 3 and 5 combos in a row, you also receive a special reward.

Super Cow 1: How to fight the boss?

Boss Type. Super Cow will meet 3 Bosses - Pig (stage 4 level 5), Goat (stage 6 level 5) and the main villain Duriarty (stage 10 level 4).

victory condition. In each case, to achieve success, it is necessary to make a lot of jumps on the Boss. Tasks are facilitated by the presence of a number of bonuses and useful items - a first aid kit, springs, etc.

Boss features. Each Boss is significantly bigger than a Super Cow.

The pig just moved on the ground from side to side, but after its defeat, 2 small pigs (duplicates of the reduced Boss) suddenly appeared on the battlefield, which also needed to be neutralized by the Super Cows.

The goat throws cabbage during the battle, which creates additional resistance, but after its defeat there is no need to neutralize its reduced comrades.

Duriatri moves through the air using special tools. At the same time, he scattered the flasks, each of which immediately turned into a Black Crow, and the Super Cow had to neutralize not only the mad professor, but also a flock of crows.

For defeating each Boss, players receive special rewards.

An electric charge emanating from a lightning cloud. Causes damage to Super Cow's health. At the same time, the Super Cow can move along the cloud itself without the slightest damage to itself.

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