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What is Lane in the League of Legends? Other LQ terms Mid, Top, Pick, Megakill

 What is Lane in the League of Legends? Other LQ terms Mid, Top, Pick, Megakill- What is Lane in the League of Legends? Other important mobile terms such as Bot, Mid, Junge, Gank, Pick, Nor.. See details here.

Lien Quan is one of the MOBA games that are most popular with young people today, the game has a constantly increasing number of new players, and at the same time, Lien Quan Mobile has a lot of terms and words. Important shortcuts to grasp to easily experience the game. Many times when creating a match for the LQ team, a friend asks which lane you go to? If you don't understand the meaning of the word Lane in Lien Quan, it's hard to answer, isn't it?.

So to grasp the meaning of Lane in Lien Quan and other important terms when playing Lien Quan Mobile, please refer to the following article of gameNews.

What is Lane in the League of Legends?

In the game Lien Quan Mobile, the term "Lane" also has the same meaning as the game League of Legends or League of Legends often plays. However, in the game Lien Quan, the lanes on the map will have slightly different names as follows

In a game map, there will be 3 main paths: Mid, Top, Bottom, those roads are collectively known as Lane, In addition, in the LQ game, there is a lane dedicated to the Jungle (Jungle) champion. Specifically:

  • KONG KONG (called Top Street)
  • Looks like DRAGON (called Bot line).
  • Mid Line (Called Mid Line).
  • What is Top Street (King Kong) in Lien Quan?

The top lane in the Confederacy is called Kinh Kong, it's on the left lane of the LQM map if you're the team on the left side of the screen. If you are the team on the right side of the screen, Kinh Kong Street in Lien Quan will be on the right hand side.

In addition, the normal line of Kinh Kong will be the Solo generals of the Tank type, these generals will have the task of maintaining balance and increasing the team's resistance.

What is Dragon Road in Lien Quan?

The bottom lane in Lien Quan is also known as the Dragon lane, this is one of the most important lanes because it is the position of the ADC generals (Ad major damage) and Support (A supporter for Ad farm and battle). match).

Usually the bottom lane in LQM will be the place where the most fights happen, junglers also often focus on ganking here to limit the power of the Bot AD champion.

Dragon Road in Lien Quan will be located on one side of the map lane, its position will be opposite to Kinh Kong street.

What is Mid Street in Lien Quan?

Mid lane in Lien Quan is one of the most important lanes, it is located in the middle of the map and is usually taken by AP (magic damage) generals. This is a position where there are two errors going through both sides, one side will go straight to Kinh Kong Street (Top), one side will go through Dragon and go straight down Dragon Street (bottom lane).

If you have ever experienced the game Lien Minh Toc Chien Mobile, reading the lanes in Lien Quan will be a bit strange, but according to the known gamehow, most players will call according to the simple lane position such as: Top lane , bot and mid.

What is Jungle Lane (Jungle) in League of Legends?

Jungle paths will not be specified, but they are trails in the forest, players will locate monsters (blue buffs, red buffs, birdfields, ...) to farm and gank the monsters. lane position in Lien Quan. In addition, the opponent will also have a jungle lane, so the player can quickly steal the opponent's red buff and other jungle areas.

The jungle path will often be more dangerous, so players need to look at the mini-map a lot, determine the location of the wards to ensure their own safety and be able to control the opponent. If you want to go to the jungle lane well, the player needs to be flexible, have a good strategy and control the game well in terms of attack, fighting, and tower push. In addition, when going to the jungle, don't forget the task is to determine the time when the dragon comes out to eat, you can call more teammates in the bot lane to help.

Typical junglers like Assassins, Gladiators, and even ADCs can also go jungle.

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