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The Strongest Johnson (ML) Build in Mobile Legends

 The Strongest Johnson (ML) Build in Mobile Legends - For those of you who are looking for the Strongest Johnson (ML) Build in Mobile Legends 2022, we will provide the details below.

The Strongest Johnson (ML) Build in Mobile Legends

Johnson is a Tank in Mobile Legends. He has a very high mobility ability because he can turn into a car in Mobile Legends. With this mobility, it is not uncommon for Johnson to give surprise attacks with his friends

He can also bring friends for Ganking while in his Transformation Mode. With these advantages, it is not surprising that Johnson will become a tank that is quite popular in Mobile Legends.

To make this tank even more terrifying, we have summarized the strongest Johnson Build in Mobile Legends Season 24 Patch 1.6.72 in 2022.

Johnson 2022's Strongest Mobile Legends (ML) Build

Items that you must buy for this best Johnson Build are Warrior Boots, Dominance Ice, Blade Armor, Antique Cuirass, Athena Shield and Immortality.

All of these items will add a lot of Shield Armor that synergizes with Passive Johnson in Mobile Legends. Johnson's passive will make him have an additional Shield that is equivalent to his Physical Defense. So, he had to make a lot of Physical Defense Items.

Warrior Boots – Hide Roam

Warrior Boots will add 40 Movement Speed, and 22 Physical Defense. This item will be needed by Johnson at the beginning of the game to support his Passive in Mobile Legends. Also, use Conceal which can make us disappear.

You can combo this Conceal skill with Ultimate Johnson. While in Transformation Mode, use Conceal to disappear from enemy sight. That's the reason why Warrior Boots with Conceal Roam are the best items for Build Johnson 2022.

Ice Domination

For Johnson Build 2022 Mobile Legends (ML), the next strongest is Dominance Ice. Actually Dominance Ice is the most mandatory Defense Item for Tanks. The reason is, this item will add 500 Mana, 70 Physical Defense, 10% Cooldown Reduction and 5% Movement Speed.

Dominance Ice will also reduce 50% absorption of the enemy's Shield and HP Regen, so the enemy cannot add a lot of HP during war.

Sword Sword

Blade Armor is also a Defense Item that will add a lot of Physical Defense. This item will add 90 Physical Defense, and 20% Critical Damage Reduction. So in addition to adding Physical Defense for Johnson's Passive, Blade Armor will also become a Counter Marksman.

No wonder Blade Armor is a very good item for the strongest Johnson Build 2022 in Mobile Legends (ML)

vintage gutter

The Defense item that will add the next Physical Defense is Antique Cuirass. Antique Cuirass will add 920 HP, 54 Physical Defense, and 4 HP Regen.

Not only that, Antique Cuirass has a passive that will reduce the enemy's Physical Attack by 8% for 2 seconds when attacking us. So, the enemy will not be able to put out maximum power later.

Athena's Shield

When the late game arrives, the enemy Mage has dominated with his Magical Damage. So, to make the best Johnson Build, you need Athena Shield to ward off enemy Mage.

Of course, we as good Tanks, must be at the forefront to protect our teammates. So, don't be afraid of enemy Mages who have high Magic Attack as long as there is Athena Shield.


Sometimes we as Johnson often make blunders (errors) when using Ultimate. Not infrequently if we hit the enemy wrong, even give Gold for free.

So, we have to make Immortality the best Johnson Build in Mobile Legends (ML) 2022. This item will give us additional lives. So even if you make a blunder, at least our teammates have a little time to back off.

The Best Johnson Spells and Emblems in Mobile Legends (ML)

The best spell for Johnson in Mobile Legends is Petrify. This spell can be combined when we manage to hit the enemy. So, the enemy will be stunned 2 times, and the possibility of escaping is very small.

While the best Johnson Mobile Legends (ML) emblem in 2022 is the Tank Emblem. You must add Full Physical Defense to this Johnson's Talent Emblem Tank. And use a passive Concussive Blast Emblem that can deal 125(+7% Total HP) Magic Damage to enemies.

This passive Tank Emblem can make it easier for Johnson to help clear minions in Mid Lane, or provide additional damage when hitting enemies.

Well, that's the Strongest Build Johnson Mobile Legends (ML) 2022. We highly recommend this build to win with Johnson more easily when competing in Mobile Legends. Hope it can help you.

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