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Dai Can Khon Webgame - PK Swordplay role-playing game with beautiful graphics- Dai Can Khon

 Dai Can Khon Webgame - PK Swordplay role-playing game with beautiful graphics- Dai Can Khon - Super HOT web game with smooth graphics, 2022 multiplayer PK game genre and how to evaluate Dai Can Khon game.

Webgames are not just an option to help players experience the game genre freely. It also helps them to worry less about configuring their device. Dai Can Khon is a role-playing webgame with a fantastic fairy tale theme that is sure to keep gamers satisfied. Follow our article below to learn more about the game of Dai Can Khon.

Dai Can Khon - Super HOT web game with smooth graphics, 2022 multiplayer PK game genre and gameplay way to evaluate Dai Can Khon games.

Webgames are not just an option to help players experience the game genre freely. It also helps them to worry less about configuring their device. Dai Can Khon is a role-playing webgame with a fantastic fairy tale theme that is sure to keep gamers satisfied. Follow our article below to learn more about the game of Dai Can Khon.

The game Dai Can Khon was originally called Can Khon Chien Ky. It is a web role-playing game developed by Chinese company 4366, released exclusively by VNG in Vietnam.

Set within the game is an oriental world combined with an adapted plot based on the web novel of the same name. Dai Qiankun received a lot of support from everyone right after Alpha Test was released.

Dai Can Khon will take players to a mysterious and enchanting world. In this game, gamers will take on the role of fake monks who go on a journey to pursue their dreams and destiny. Step by step cultivating to increase the capacity to become a peak power in the Three Realms.

Dai Can Khon - Fun role-playing web game

Typical plot

The context in Dai Qiankun is built by the publisher on a relatively familiar scenario. It was 1000 years after the great war of the Three Realms (Human - God - Ma) ended. All armies chose the "unshakable military" to focus on building their strength. This peace is broken when Upper Ancient Than Binh - a treasure with the power to seal the Three Realms is suddenly lost. A blood dance in the Three Realms begins here.

Character system

The game provides players with 3 character classes: Idol, Linh Lung and Phi Vu. Each faction has its own set of weapons and combat skills.

Divine General: Has melee defensive abilities, so the amount of health and damage from this character is only enough to annoy the opponent. This is a class suitable for pioneer matches.

Linh Lung: With a penchant for supporting, controlling, and attacking long range magic damage. This is a character class suitable for supporting a team that many female gamers love.

Phi Vu: Has an agile body style that supports speed, attack, and deals great damage. However, this character class has low defense and low health. Perfect for those "bloodthirsty" who want to complete goals quickly or are passionate about PKing.

Boss system

Of course the Boss system in the game is the main concern of every gamer. The manufacturer has designed a massive Boss system with powerful and difficult monsters such as Class Bosses, World Bosses, Tinh Anh Bosses and Lien Server Bosses.

After challenging and destroying the Boss, players will receive rewards containing rare in-game items. Depending on the difficulty and ease of the boss challenge mode, players will receive a commensurate reward.

Rich copy system

In the Great Universe, copying systems are divided into two main types. There are single copies (individual and group copies).

Single copies are classified into 7 types. Gamers can join all of these types of copies to collect experience, equipment, items, and materials for characters.

As for the group copy, players need to form a team to overcome the common gate. After overcoming the party copy, team members will receive fame and soul rewards.

Pet and mount system

The pets in Dai Qiankun's game are not only beautiful in appearance. But they also have player-supporting effects like permanent use, automatic boss fights, and more, depending on the type of pet you use.

In addition, Dai Can Khon also provides players with a very cool mount system. You can level up and virtualize in-game mounts to give them beautiful visuals and effects.


It can be seen that Dai Qiankun is a Webgame with beautiful graphics, superior to games of the same genre on the market. The characters and the world in the game are rendered using 3D technology with many special effects. Combined with the perfect character construction contributes to a sharp and edgy look.

The skill effects in the game are also taken care of by the publisher very carefully. Every movement of the character is very smooth and fluid.


In particular, the Qiankun Radio also adds features for characters such as divine soldiers, innate systems, divine wings, beautiful women, etc. Moreover, every week, this game will open many additional activities for players.

Above are some outstanding advantages of Dai Can Khon webgame. Hopefully the information in the article will help you better understand this fascinating first half role-playing game. Quickly access the game Dai Qiankun and embark on a journey to explore the vast fairy world inside!

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